Where is Relaxing Thai made?

Relaxing Thai herbal inhaler is manufactured in Austria under the highest quality criteria and with a lot of love.

The other coconut products are produced on Koh Samui in Thailand, but then processed, filled and labeled in Austria.

Then why Relaxing Thai?

The owners of the company kaiser cosmetics live in Thailand for a large part of the year. That's where the idea of ​​bringing such a herbal inhaler to Austria came from. In Thailand, people actually use such an inhaler at any time and have a wide variety of odor compositions.

Where can I get Relaxing Thai?

The easiest way is on our website www.relaxingthai.com - but you are already here ;-)

We are currently developing additional sales channels that will also be available in retail stores. Unfortunately, this is not so easy for a small company like ours. But it's our turn.

You can find information about our trading partners and sources of supply here.

Can I order free shipping?

We are happy to send free shipping for orders over EUR 50 in the Austria and Germany shipping zone.

When checking out, please simply select free shipping when checking out the shipping costs. This selection appears automatically if the order value is over EUR 50.

Can I also apply Relaxing Thai to the skin?

Relaxing Thai is designed to be inhaled through the nose. No dermatological tests have been carried out with the herbal inhaler and we therefore ask that you do not apply the herbal mixture to the skin.

We are currently working on other products, such as a balm and various oils for room fragrance. You can find out more by subscribing to our newsletter.

What do the ingredients of Relaxing Thai Herbal Inhaler do?

Well, that's not so easy to answer because it triggers different feelings in every person. In principle, the mixture is carefully chosen and when used, the Relaxing Thai Herbal Inhaler brings you into a feeling of well-being that can last for a few minutes.

Relaxation to go - probably the best way to do it!

Do you use preservatives or chemicals in production?


Relaxing Thai herbal inhaler is a 100% natural product.

We do not use any preservatives for preservation.

Our coconut products are also 100% natural.

How long does a Tigel Relaxing Thai last?

In principle, very long.

However, we recommend renewal every 6-9 months. The more you use Relaxing Thai, the weaker the aroma becomes. But anything under 8 months is enough for “heavy users”.

Why is Relaxing Thai only available in this size?

We decided to fill the jars with 8 grams of our herbal mixture. This makes the jar very handy and can be easily taken anywhere.

Are there also refills?

Unfortunately no.

For quality reasons, we consciously decided to fill the jars ourselves and to always freshly put together the spice mixtures.

Please dispose of your jar properly in a glass container so that it can be easily recycled.

Why is Relaxing Thai so expensive?

Unfortunately, quality has its price. We have paid great attention to ensuring that we only use quality products for the recipe.

We firmly believe that this is the right path and that in the end quality will win over price.

Are your products organic or fair trade?

We attach great importance to the sustainable production of our products and the extraction of raw materials. You can rely on us to take sustainability and the living conditions of the people involved into account in every decision we make.

Why don't you ship cash on delivery?

We programmed this function in the first year and unfortunately had very bad experiences with it. It was therefore subsequently deactivated. Unfortunately, many customers who ordered cash on delivery did not resolve this shipment. This resulted in significant costs for us. Shipping, cash on delivery fees and return shipping had to be paid by us, as the alleged buyer would have been difficult to prosecute with these costs. We had to forego this offer for commercial reasons and now offer payment from your bank account via instant transfer, Bitcoin, Paypal and AMEX, VISA and MASTER credit cards.