Ingredients Relaxing Thai Herbal Inhaler

All Relaxing Thai products
Here you will find all of our products that are used in the Relaxing Thai herbal inhaler.


The dried flower buds, which contain plenty of essential oil, are effective
contain. It consists of 80 to 95 percent of the substance eugenol.
The substance eugenol inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Eugenol also has a mild pain-relieving, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Due to these effects, clove oil relieves toothache and helps
Inflammation in the mouth and throat area.


Mace is also called mace, with this name being something
is misleading.
Mace is not the flower of the nutmeg tree, but the dried one
Nutmeg seed coat.
The spice helps with nausea and indigestion.
If you suffer from stomach and intestinal problems, you can consume it
from Macis provide relief.


The smell of borneol is very similar to that of camphor, the active ingredients in
However, borneol is milder and does not contain ketones like camphor
the case is. Borneol has a strengthening and antiseptic effect.
In traditional Chinese medicine, borneol is also used as a pain reliever or anesthetic.

Lovage root

Lovage has been valued as a spice for more than a millennium
and as a medicinal plant for diseases of the urinary organs
flushing therapy or as a means of
used for digestive problems.

The lovage root has diuretic (aquaretic), antispasmodic properties
digestive properties.
The increased urine excretion is due to the terpenes in the
essential oil
The essential oil has also been proven to have antimicrobial effects.

Siam cardamom

Various studies deal with an apparently
antispasmodic effects of cardamom.
Another study on cardamom in connection with the
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is also concerned
with the effect of the plant on general well-being,
which should be reflected in the improvement of the quality of life.


Menthol is a versatile substance and affects our organism on different levels.
The active ingredient has been extensively tested for its effects.
Pain-relieving, cooling, stimulating blood circulation, relieving itching, and insecticidal are some of the properties shown in various studies.
When inhaled, menthol creates a feeling of freshness in the nose and has
a subjective (but not objectifiable) liberating effect.

Black pepper

Black pepper doesn't just add a lot to your meals
taste, but is a miracle worker for your brain.
Black pepper acts as a bioenhancer, meaning it serves as
natural amplifier for other active ingredients.
It stimulates the release of saliva and gastric juices
thus supports good digestion.


Camphor stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers and thereby stimulates
Breathing and circulation.

It also has an antispasmodic effect on the bronchial muscles
(bronchospasmolytic). Camphor is effective when applied externally
promotes blood circulation (hyperemic).
Inhaling the active ingredient loosens mucus and secretions in the bronchi.

Kaffir lime zest

The whole kaffir lime plant smells strongly aromatic and
piercingly lemon-like.
This smell is due to the monoterpene aldehyde citronellal.
In the fruit peel, similar to lemon and lime,
Monoterpene hydrocarbons such as limonene as
Main component identified.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil, especially the substance cineole, can cause sticking
Dissolve mucus from the bronchi and sinuses.
At the same time, it promotes the removal of secretions, which means...
Mucus is coughed up more easily.
The oil also has a mild antispasmodic effect and inhibits the growth of bacteria
and has a cooling effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

Much love

We select and process our basic products very carefully
with a lot of love by hand.
Then the basic substances are prepared according to the original recipe

mixed by Atid Ploypratom and then rest for a few weeks
Clay bowls
at room temperature.
Only then are the cans filled and labeled by hand.
We do not use any solvents or preservatives.
Only nature and love are part of Relaxing Thai.